The Powerful Digital Presence

The role of psychology of creativity in digital design.

I start today's discussion with this famous sentence of Albert Einstein ...

"Imagination is more important than knowledge. Knowledge is limited. Imagination encircles the world."

Albert Einstein

Imagination is more important than knowledge and information. Information is limited, but creativity surrounds the world.

I have been thinking about this for a long time, who is man's best friend? Is it a dog? Is it a horse? Personally, I say no, I love dogs, I have a dog, but man's best friend is his own imagination, and therefore the imaginative creativity of every human being is our BFF.

Where is the root of every human mind's imagination? Perhaps the first and most important question we need to find an answer to.

I am not an expert in finding this answer, but after many interviews with sociologists, psychologists and psychiatrists I came to a simple conclusion, that it is not easy to find the root of creativity, but there are three main paths or roots to strengthen the production engine of creativity and boost our imaginations. Then we as a designer or technologists can use them in Marketing Strategies of Critical thinking.

These three roots are: 

  • Everything we see or happening around us during the day, combine with our desires and aspirations and create a new product that along with one of our daily needs, can be called the process of Imaginative Realism. We see and hear many things during the day, then assemble them in our minds to solve one of our needs and problems at night.
  • The human brain does an important job at night when we are resting, and that is to sort and categorize the information entered our mind by all five senses such as sight, hearing, touch, taste and even smell. This information must be categorized, and this is the nature of brain function. While categorizing this information, brain cells come across old and much older stored data, and in comparing these two types of information, they experience a kind of confusion or exhilaration, which is one of the most important drivers of creativity.
  • The third root of creative production is a bit of fantasy or maybe science-fiction-like Hollywood movies, and that is our body being in a massive magnetic field such as gravity, cell phone antenna’s waves, huge gravitational attractions between the galaxies around us, which They may be able to stimulate our physical, biochemical, and hormonal compositions to make our mind's eye very powerful, to see the parallel and non-parallel worlds around us with all the objects and beings within them, and to record them very dimly in the memory of our brain cells. And then slowly put them together and turn them into a story, a computer game, a fantasy character, or even an engineering product that may solve our problem today.

A simple and superficial examination of these three roots leads us back to the famous Albert Einstein quote, who believed that creativity is better than knowledge.

How many of the fantasies of Jules Verne, the famous French fiction writer, are really used in our daily lives today !?

If we want to define three operational phases for the use of imagination in the production of new technologies, they will be as follows. 

  • First, write down the problem or need of our daily life in as much detail as possible so that all its theoretical and practical aspects become more apparent. Define the end of the story very clearly then it will help us to build our steps and segmentations.
  • Make art and beauty an integral part of the product you are going to produce. Never prioritize the role of a good graphic designer and artist in the second spot when you are thinking to create something related to technology. The result of their performance is attracting more audience. The digital graphic designer is the only one who makes the programming language codes understandable and enjoyable for the general audience, or rather the buyer. Do not try to save money in this section. Look at Apple products, their beauty and elegancy take precedence over their behind-the-scenes technology.
  • As much as you can, be imaginative and ambitious in making any product or service in the World of technology. Do not worry, no one will send you a bill. You should cross all the boundaries of fantasy and reality without censoring yourself. In the execution stage, very fancy and unreal parts are automatically removed by the coder and finance department, so do not limit yourself in this stage.

The result of producing such a product is, it can be well marketed. Let's not forget that many products and services that ultimately fail and do not make a profit are the ones that have not passed these three stages well.


Thank you

Article By: Farid.G.Asad , July/14/2020